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Is Hell real? And If it is will it be an eternal place? And will those unforgiven sinners there be conscious in hell?

People of the world, hell is real, and it is indeed an eternal place. We know hell is real and we know it is an eternal place because Jesus himself said so. And Jesus is God in the flesh. He is the one who is the embodiment of all truth. He is the one who is sinless and perfect, and he cannot lie. Those who go to hell never die (as in ceasing to exist) for they are eternal and yes indeed they will be conscious, awake, through all the suffering and torment they will experience for all of eternity. Why? And how do I know this you may ask?

Answers revealed below:

Hell is indeed an eternal place because everyone is an eternal being. Everyone will dwell eternally in either one of two places heaven or hell this is a fact. Why? because everyone has a soul and that part of your being is immortal which in the end of your life will either be reunited with God its creator (thus your creator, thus mankind's creator) or it will be condemned, cast away from him and then cast into the lakes of fire for having an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God and His Christ. All humans are made in the image of God and in his likeness (Genesis 1:26). Every part of your being yearns and is screaming out to be reunited with its Creator and Savior who is Jesus Christ ever since we've been separated by sin. Read (Luke 16:19-31), this passage of Scripture tells of the fate for the unbelieving, and the fate of the unsaved who choose not to receive Christ. Once you die you will dwell eternally in heaven or in hell my people it’s just a matter of where? This is your choice to make an only you can make that choice no one else can make this choice for you. There is indeed life after death and proof of this is in God’s Holy Scriptures (the Holy Bible). Proof that you will live again is here as well. (Read Luke 16:19-31). And you will see that the rich man who did not repent, after he died, he opened his eyes and there he was in hell being tormented and he was suffering terribly. He did not go to hell because he was rich and greedy, he went to hell because he did not repent of his sins by placing his faith in God. Heaven and hell are an eternal place and it most certainly exist my people and you know it. Choose life eternal in heaven with Jesus my people and do not suppress God’s truth of his gospel of Christ it’s useless, it’s vanity, and it’s foolish to reject the Son of the living God! Accept Jesus into your hearts and lives right now while there’s still time of whom you know, and of whom words prove that he is indeed the truth, the only truth and he is perfect! The devil is busy at work striving vigorously to ultimately deceive and trick you, but do not let him, he does not want you to hear and understand this truth of God’s gospel of Christ thus believing in God’s one and only Son Jesus, God says he (the devil) is already defeated, he’s a liar and the father of all lies (John 8:44)! There is no truth in him. He’s trying to appeal to your emotions and feelings and what your more comfortable with hearing and accepting. But unto you this day The Lord bears witness that what I say unto you is his truth! God has made himself clear and known through his holy supernatural Scriptures and is now making himself known to you this day right now! God accepts you because of your faith in his Son and only because of your faith in his one and only dear Son Jesus.

Yes, my people hell is real, it's indescribable, it's unimaginable in how horrifying and tragedous it will be for the unsaved people who do not repent by turning to Christ. Therefore, we must tell them the truth of Jesus (who is the Savior) before it's eternally too late for them! This is why Salvation Disease Ministries exists to be that clarion call who will point the world to the person of Jesus Christ But really the worst thing about hell is not the eternal fire, it's not the eternal blackness of darkness, it's not even the everlasting pain. The worst thing about hell (the worst thing about it's existence is being eternally cast away from the living God himself). To be one everlastingly (shut out) separated from the presence (from the glory) of the Lord for all of eternity! Read (2 Thessalonians 1:9).

If you need more Scriptures proving hell's eternal existence, just read the following Scriptures below.

(Matthew 13:42,50) (Matthew 25:41) (Revelation 21:8).


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